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Career With Us

Career With Us

Career With Us

If you’re interested in a career with Palli Gram TV, here’s some information for you:

Palli Gram TV is a platform that showcases village life and culture. They create videos featuring real-life experiences, actors, and glimpses of rural communities. 

Actors: Some of the talented individuals associated with Palli Gram TV include Sofik Sk, Yasin Mondal, Riyaj Kobiraj, Rohan Kobiraj, Bishu Kobiraj, Momin Mir, Sahin Mondal, Saboni Khatun, Salma Khatun, Sneha Khatun, and Tuhina Khatun.
Contact Information:
Email: contact@palligramtv.com
You can explore their content on their YouTube channel. Feel free to reach out to them if you’re interested in joining their team or learning more about their work! 

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